Biographer’s Day

This is one for the biographers, both current and aspiring…

Today, May 16, is Biographer’s Day. Why May 16? Because that is the anniversary of the day biographer James Boswell met for the first time with author Samuel Johnson to begin composing what is widely considered to be the greatest biography ever written. In fact, it wasn’t until Boswell published his Life of Samuel Johnson in 1791 that the modern biographical genre even came into existence. Prior to Boswell’s 1763 meeting with Johnson in a London bookshop, biographical conventions were quite different, and biographies held little of the popularity they have today. Boswell’s work, with its extensive detail and almost conversational style, served as a major stepping stone in developing modern biographical conventions.

So now, the language world sets aside May 16 to celebrate both James Boswell and all the biographers who have come since. Today is a wonderful day to start reading a biography (perhaps Life of Samuel Johnson?) or, better yet, to start writing one. And if you have a biography, autobiography, or memoir in need of editing, let me know today and I’ll edit the first chapter free!

Happy Biographer’s Day!

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About Sarah Dawson

For nearly a decade, I have worked with both corporate and independent authors to perfect their writing prior to its publication. As a freelancer, the services I offer include proofreading, copyediting (light, medium, and heavy), substantive editing, rewriting, and writing. Whatever the type of service I provide, I consider myself a liaison between author and reader; my job is to convey the author’s message to the reader in the clearest, most pleasing way possible. Among my particular areas of expertise are educational materials and child and young adult literature. My background as an educator and a school librarian gives me unique insight into how to make such writing exceptional. I have also worked extensively with corporate writers, working on text for use in marketing, employee education, and websites. I welcome all inquiries. Let me know how I can help perfect your writing!